Dates: Sat 27th May “Jack Luck Tribute” Sun 28th May “Ralph Frisken Venue: Picton Air FieldStatus: 1st & 2nd events, 2017 Prov. Series
–Rev 2 (12th Apr”17) |
While the St. Lawrence Automobile Club (hereafter referred to as St. LAC or the Club) recognizes the priority of the various existing rules and guidelines as set out in the most current CASC-OR/ASN Auto Slalom Regulations, the Club deems that the special venue that is used for these two events requires unique stipulations that must be enforced by the Club to ensure permission for future slaloms. St. LAC enjoys a special arrangement with the air field manager and does not want that jeopardized. At the same time, the events are intended to be enjoyable for the competitors.
The Club will have the following officials at the event:
Clerk of the Course: Eric Brunner
Course Designer: Sergio Bidinost
Safety Co-ordinator: Yet to be decided
CASC-OR will provide the following:
Timing Crew
Regional Steward
Tech Inspector
- There will be no camping.
- The airport will be shut down to air traffic from 6 PM Friday night until Sunday at 6 PM
- Paddock area will be at the western end of the air field along the taxi strip next to the hangers with the staging area near the Flying Club building.
- St. LAC will have Security on duty over both Friday (8 PM until 8 AM) and Saturday (5 PM to 8 AM) nights to ensure safety of both the venue and competitors equipment
- Competitors can bring in their rigs and Solo cars Friday night from 8:00 PM (and not before to allow coordination with Security) and leave them there for the duration of the weekend. Enter from the far eastern entrance (ie Loch Sloy sign) and proceed via the second right road to the Paddock area. No one will be allowed on course Friday. Otherwise enter Saturday morning at 7:30 AM opening time and stop to register on your way to the paddock area at Building 12. Club members will be at the East entrance to direct you on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
- Competitors will have ample room to park along with any trailers and support vehicles in the paddock designated taxi strip as well as between the hangers.
- Any entrant who drives unsafely at or near the event location, or who displays unsportsmanlike conduct will be asked to see the Clerk of the Course and upon review by the Clerk, can be immediately disqualified from the event.
- Speeds in the pit area and onto or off the course are limited to a maximum of 15 kph
- Refusal to co-operate with, interfere with, or obstruct the actions of the Club and/or CASC-OR Officials will be grounds for review by the Clerk of the Course and can involve either:
- Cancellation of time for the run concurrent with the episode
- Disqualification from the event
- In past events, there have been some entrants who, while in line for their run, have done short acceleration runs followed by hard braking, thinking that this helps to prepare their brakes and tires. This tends to unsettle the entrant in front of them. St. LAC is also very worried that one slip off of the brake pedal could mean hitting that front entrant. Any driver doing this acceleration/braking action will be given one warning by a St. LAC official. If the driver does it again, he or she will be reported to the Clerk of the Course who will cancel their run. If they are observed repeating in a subsequent line-up, they will be asked to see the Clerk of the Course who could disqualify them from the event.
- While the course is being disassembled, and the event deemed finished, competitors must not excessively speed on the airfield grounds.
- If the event is cancelled early due to some unforeseen circumstance and the course marshals are brought back in, there will be no further competitive car activity on the course.
- Fun slalom runs cannot be allowed due to the inability to visually monitor all three air strips if marshals are not on the course.
- No “drag racing” will be allowed before or after the event.
- If in the non-competitve period (ie anytime on Friday or overnight Saturday), someone drives a car onto the airstrips to either test their car or the course, that driver will be suspended from the event.
- As per Federal Ministry of Transport requirements, no drones will be allowed as their rules state “– no drones being permitted closer than nine km from the centre of an aerodrome (any airport, heliport, seaplane base or anywhere that aircraft take-off and land)—‘.
- In the event an air plane has to make an emergency landing or an aircraft at the flying club needs to leave, the event will be stopped (and perhaps some of the course cleared) to accommodate these situations.
- A caterer (Gator Fries) will be present to serve lunch (burgers, hot dogs, fries, and drinks) from approx 10 AM to 2 PM on both days. Please support her.
- Three portable toilets will be provided with one designated for Ladies only.
- During and after the event, competitors and spectators are requested to keep the grounds clean by using the garbage cans provided. This minimizes cleanup work by Club members at the end of the day as well as maintaining a good image of the Solo II community to the air field owners.
- For each of the past 18 years, the Club has found competitors to be exemplary for their cooperation in leaving a tidy area at the end of the weekend. St. LAC could be fined $500 if the air port is not deemed to be left in a clean condition!
- As part of St. LAC’s Regional Requirements, the local police force must be made aware of the event. In this case it is the Picton OPP detachment. They are invited to attend to observe and so may be present at any time during the two days. Please treat them as you would any interested spectators. Some of the officers in fact, may have taken part in high speed exercises that are practiced by OPP, RCMP and other government agencies at the air port and so would be familiar with what we are doing.
- For the off hours at the venue, they are available to aid our Security person if required.
- Moreover as they patrol the highways in the county, the Club suggests that “acceptable” speeds be used during the weekend in and around the Picton area!